Quality, transparency, and media literacy: At the first meeting of the Citizens‘ Parliament on Media and Democracy in Austria, participants identify key issues
On Saturday, March 22, twenty citizens gathered in Vienna for the inaugural meeting of the Citizens‘ Parliament on Media and Democracy in Austria. They became acquainted with the main topic of Media and Democracy and drew up a first list of questions that they will discuss and adopt resolutions on in the next sessions.
Qualität, Transparenz und Medienbildung: Die erste Sitzung des Bürger*innenrats Medien und Demokratie in Österreich identifiziert zentrale Themen
Am Samstag, den 22. März trafen sich zwanzig Bürger*innen in Wien zur ersten Sitzung des Bürger*innenrats Medien und Demokratie in Österreich. Die zwanzig Rät*innen erhielten eine Einführung in das Hauptthema Medien und Demokratie und erarbeiteten eine erste Liste von Fragen, zu denen sie in den nächsten Sitzungen beraten und Resolutionen verabschieden werden.
Photo: Štěpán Šanda
Czech citizens deliberated about how to strengthen the multiple voices of media audiences
On Saturday, March 15, citizens gathered in Prague for the first meeting of the Czech Citizens’ Parliament on Media and Democracy. They engaged in lively discussions throughout the day, which set the course of the whole citizens’ parliament process.
The Team of Peace Institute. Photo: Peace Institute
„Challenges for citizens to navigate the complex media environment”. First Citizens‘ Parliament on media and democracy in Slovenia addresses key issues.
The first Citizens‘ Parliament on Media and Democracy in Slovenia was held on Saturday, 15 March 2025, bringing together 20 citizens to deliberate on critical issues concerning the media landscape and the democratic system in Slovenia.
Media and Democracy – Citizens have their say. Citizens‘ Parliament starts in Ireland.
Twenty people from Limerick city and county will take part in The National Citizens’ Parliament on Media and Democracy this Spring, beginning on Saturday 22nd March.
Graphics & Illustration: Verena Hochleitner
The Austrian Citizens‘ Parliament on Media and Democracy starts on 22 March
On 22 March, twenty citizens will meet in Vienna for the launch of the Austrian Citizens‘ Parliament on Media and Democracy to discuss and develop proposals for the future.
Grafik & Illustration: Verena Hochleitner
Der Bürger*innenrat Medien und Demokratie in Österreich startet am 22. März
Am 22. März tagt zum ersten Mal der Bürgerrat Medien und Demokratie in Österreich. Zwanzig Bürger*innen treffen sich in Wien, um über Medien und Demokratie zu beraten und Vorschläge für die Zukunft zu entwickeln.
Peace Institute
Kicking off the first citizens‘ parliament on media and democracy in Slovenia
On Saturday, 15 March 2025, the first session of citizens’ parliament on media and democracy will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, as part of the Horizon Europe project MeDeMAP „Mapping Media for Future Democracies“.
Graphics: Štěpán Šanda
The Czech Citizens‘ Parliament on Media and Democracy will start in Prague on 15 March
Twenty citizens will deliberate and propose resolutions for the future of media and democracy in the Czech Republic.
Introducing: Citizens’ Parliaments Media and Democracy in Austria, Ireland, Slovenia and the Czech Republic
As part of the European MeDeMAP research project, Citizens Parliaments on Media and Democracy will be held in Austria, Ireland, Slovenia and the Czech Republic. The partners from the four countries will share their journey with the citizens’ parliaments on this blog.